Centre for Research in Social Psychology
Members of the Centre for Research in Social Psychology (CRISP) conduct basic and applied research on many topics in social psychology.
The Centre was formally established in 1995 within the School of Psychology as the Centre for Research in Group Processes (changing its name to CRISP in 2010).
Researchers use physiological, self-report, and behavioural approaches to various social psychology topics such as blood donation, environmental psychology, political activism, intergroup relations, empathy, internet use, prejudice, leadership, and the law.
The Centre coordinates the international and intra-national exchange of scholars and graduate students. It runs a weekly Friday afternoon seminar each semester. The Centre also includes several postdoctoral fellows and more than 40 PhD students.
The objectives of CRISP include:
- To conduct programs of basic and applied research funded by external grants.
- To disseminate research findings and theoretical developments by publishing scientific books, chapters, articles, working papers, research reports, popular publications, and conference presentations.
- To act as a centre for graduate training and engage in formal student exchanges with centres elsewhere.
- To act as a focus and destination for postdoctoral researchers and sabbatical visitors.
- To provide public education by informing the media and by conducting seminar series and workshops.
- To be available to businesses and government on a consultancy basis, conduct research, and advise on policy and planning.
- To host and organise scientific conferences, workshops, and symposia at overseas and local conferences.
The Centre for Research in Social Psychology
McElwain Building (24A), St Lucia
+61 7 3365 6213
+61 7 3365 4466
Centre Director
Assoc Prof Eric Vanman
+61 7 3365 6213