Honours in psychology is either taken in the fourth year of the Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours) (BPsySc(Hons)) or offered as a one-year full-time (two-year part-time) postgraduate qualification in the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) (BA(Hons)) and Bachelor of Science (Honours) (BSc(Hons)).

These qualifications are accredited by the Australian Psychological Accreditation Council (APAC).

Although the fourth-year program in psychology is offered as a part-time program, there are no timetabling provisions for "evening-only" attendance (i.e., regular attendance during normal university hours is expected).

Applications for BA(Hons) and BSc(Hons) in Psychology close on 31 October. See the Honours application details section below for more information.


Bachelor of Psychological Science (Honours)

The BPsySc(Hons) honours fourth year is identical to the honours programs in the BA(Hons) and the BSc(Hons). The BA(Hons) in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and BSc(Hons) in the Faculty of Science are only available to students who have completed the extended major in psychology and who meet the GPA requirements.

Students can choose one of two streams for honours – the Research Stream or the Work Integrated Stream. The Research Stream includes a one-on-one thesis supervised by a School academic and all thesis components such as data collection and analysis are done independently. The Work Integrated Stream includes a team thesis, which is collaborative in nature, and a placement, where students will complete a placement at an organisation arranged by the School. Both streams lead to the same opportunities for postgraduate study and employment.

Students have the opportunity to preference a stream that suits their career interests. Entry into either stream is not initially determined by GPA. However, if too many students choose one stream relative to the number of available places, a GPA minimum will be applied to remain in that stream. All students in the BPsySc(Hons) and BA(Hons) and BSc(Hons) whether in the Research Stream or Work Integrated Stream, graduate upon completion with a class of honours determined by weighted GPA across fourth year courses only.

Career options

Completing honours in Psychology in either stream can lead to various career pathways or further psychology postgraduate study.

For more information regarding career options in psychology and maximising employability visit our careers and employment section.

Need help?

For honours specific enquires contact honours.psychology@enquire.uq.edu.au

What our​ students say

Martin Henrion"I Completed a Bachelor of Science with Honours in Psychology. I love people and have always been fascinated with what drives us to behave and interact in certain ways, so I thought I’m going to study something I’m interested in on a personal level. I wasn’t certain where it would take me but I knew it was something I wanted to learn about. I choose UQ to complete my degree because I was aware of UQ’s reputation as a world class university. I’m glad that I did study psychology at UQ. I was pleased with my choice because of the quality of the teaching staff and course offerings, both of which were fantastic. The course offerings were good and the content was engaging and well delivered by teaching staff who were very skilled in communicating their knowledge, which made learning all the more enjoyable." 

Martin Henrion