Ms Leith Morris

Researcher biography
Leith is a research fellow with the Lives Lived Well group with Professor Leanne Hides and is in the final stages of her PhD with the School of Public Health. Her PhD examines hepatitis C treatment uptake and outcomes among people who inject drugs, with a focus on a community-based model of care. Prior to undertaking her PhD she worked in a research capacity on a range of projects across psychology, social science and public health disciplines and has developed broad interests in the substance use field. Leith is currently managing a feasibility trial that is implementing a Brief Intervention for Substance Use for people seeking treatment at community AOD services. We are evaluating the effectiveness of this intervention and the feasibility of implementing it as the first step in a stepped care approach to substance use care.
Research Interests Include:
- Brief Interventions for substance use
- Hepatitis C treatment uptake and outcomes among PWID
- Models of Care for Hepatitis C treatment