Researcher biography

Carmen is an NHMRC Emerging Leadership Fellow at the National Centre for Youth Substance Use Research. She is passionate about understanding why young people start using substances and dedicated to advance public health through her research. She leads a research program focused on the etiology of youth vaping and drug use, using social media data for surveillance to track trends and tackle emerging challenges. Carmen is also interested in exploring the disparities in substance use in low- and middle-income countries where she aims to deepen her understanding of substance use patterns and develop effective preventative initiatives, striving to create equitable solutions that address the unique challenges faced in these region.

Carmen has qualifications in biostatistics, public health and epidemiology and experiences in teaching and mentoring. She has published over 100 peer-reviewed papers in addiction and mental health (Google Scholar: >8.8K citations, h-index = 37, 31% output in top 10% citation percentile). She has supported and mentored students from diverse demographic and cultural backgrounds. She’s on the lookout for self-driven, curious students with backgrounds in public health, psychology, epidemiology, or statistics to join her team.