Associate Professor Kirsten Way

Researcher biography
Dr Kïrsten Way is an Associate Professor and Program Director at the Centre for Business and Organisational Psychology at UQ where she conducts research on safety regulation, work-related mental health, work design, human factors, and occupational health. Her work focusses on psychosocial hazards both systemically and focally (investigating specific hazards such as conflict, bullying, fatigue, and sexual harassment). Dr. Way is an Organisational Psychologist, Occupational Therapist and Certified Professional Ergonomist. She has significant industry expertise having worked as the Director of a private consultancy specialising in WHS and organisational psychology and having held positions for Australian and UK WHS regulatory authorities, including Principal Inspector (Ergonomics), Manager Psychosocial Strategy Unit, and Manager WHS Policy Branch. She has provided expertise to the Australian and UK Governments and, for example, has assisted in the development of the Safe Work Australia Handbook Principles of Good Work Design, NSW's Mentally Healthy Workplaces Benchmarking Tool and The Mentally Healthy Workplaces Strategy 2018-2022, as well as numerous WHS jurisdictions' Psychosocial Regulations and Managing the Risk of Psychosocial Hazards at Work Codes of Practice.