Professor Andrew Neal
School of Psychology
+61 7 336 56372
McElwain Building (24A)
Level 1, Room 118
Level 1, Room 118

Researcher biography
Andrew is Professor of Business and Organizational Psychology. Andrew leads a large program of applied research into human performance and safety in complex environments. This program has received more than $10 million in funding from the ARC, Federal and State Governments, and industry. A key focus of this program has been on end user impact, with the ultimate goal of improving the safety and effectiveness of critical national infrastructure.
Andrew's major scientific contributions have been in two areas:
- Performance, safety and effectiveness of people at work. He has published a series of influential papers on safety climate and work role performance. For example, the paper by Griffin, Neal and Parker (2007), which has been highly cited, reports the development of a theory of work role performance that explains how different forms of behaviour, such as adaptivity and proactivity, contribute to the effectiveness of individuals, as well as the teams and organizations that they work in.
- Workload, decision making, and self-regulation. Andrew's research has improved our understanding of how people manage task demands in complex systems, such as air traffic control and emergency response. These environments require people to make decisions under time pressure, and often require tradeoffs to be made amongst competing goals (eg safety vs productivity). He has developed computational models to simulate the way that people make decisions in these environment, and how they manage their workload. His research has clarified the mechanisms by which people make choices amongst competing goals, and regulate the amount of effort they apply.
Book Chapters
Neal, Andrew, Ballard, Timothy and Palada, Hector (2024). How to publish and review a computational model. Computational Modeling For IndustrialOrganizational Psychologists. (pp. 297-319) New York, NY United States: Routledge. doi: 10.4324/9781003388852-13
Ballard, Timothy, Palada, Hector and Neal, Andrew (2024). Fitting computational models to data: a tutorial. Computational modeling for industrial-organizational psychologists. (pp. 255-296) edited by Jeffrey B. Vancouver, Mo Wang and Justin M. Weinhardt. New York, NY, United States: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.4324/9781003388852-12
Hassall, Maureen, Xiao, Tania, Sanderson, Penelope and Neal, Andrew (2015). Human factors and ergonomics. International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences. (pp. 297-305) edited by James D. Wright. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/B978-0-08-097086-8.22025-4
Gee, Phillip, Ballard, Timothy, Yeo, Gillian and Neal, Andrew (2012). Measuring affect over time: the momentary affect scale. Experiencing and managing emotions in the workplace. (pp. 141-173) edited by Neal M. Ashkanasy, Wilfred J. Zerbe and Charmine E. J. Härtel. Bingley, United Kingdom: Emerald Group Publishing. doi: 10.1108/S1746-9791(2012)0000008010
Boag, C. C. and Neal, A. (2005). The development of a tool for the analysis and modelling of mental workload. 'Setting the Standards' - Proceedings of the Sixth International Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium. (pp. x-x) edited by S. J. Thatcher, G. Edkins, B. J. Hayward and M. Nendick. Australia: Australian Aviation Psychology Association.
Neal, A. and Griffin, M. (2004). Safety climate and safety at work. The Psychology of Workplace Safety. (pp. 15-34) edited by J. Barling and M. R. Frone. United States: American Psychological Association.
Neal, A. F. and Hesketh, B. (2001). Productivity in Organisations. Handbook of Industrial, Work and Organisation Psychology, Volume 2. (pp. 7-24) edited by Neil Anderson, Deniz S. Ones, Hanadan Kepir Sinangil and Chockalingam Viswesvaran. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Hartel, C. E., Neal, A., Halford, G. S. and Hartel, G. F. (2000). Cognitive determinants of expert decision making in air traffic control. Aviation Resource Management. (pp. 297-304) edited by Brent J Hayward and Andrew R Lowe. Aldershot, United Kingdom: Ashgate.
Neal, A. F., Griffin, M., Paterson, J. M. and Bordia, P. (2000). Development of measures of situation awareness, task performance, and contextual performance in Air Traffic Control. Aviation Resource Management. (pp. 305-314) edited by Brent J. Hayward and Andrew R. Lowe. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate.
Hartel, C. E., Neal, A., Halford, G. S. and Hartel, G. F. (2000). A new approach to mental workload measurement in air traffic control. Aviation Resource Management: Proceedings of the Fourth Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium. (pp. 297-304) edited by Andrew R. Lowe and Brent J. Hayward. Vermont, USA: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Neal, A. F. and Hesketh, B. (1999). Technology and performance. The Changing Nature of performance: Implications for Staffing, Motivation and Development. (pp. 21-55) edited by D. Ilgen and D. Pulakos. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Journal Articles
Dobson, Hannah, Al Maawali, Said, Malpas, Charles, Santillo, Alexander F., Kang, Matthew, Todaro, Marian, Watson, Rosie, Yassi, Nawaf, Blennow, Kaj, Zetterberg, Henrik, Foster, Emma, Neal, Andrew, Velakoulis, Dennis, O'Brien, Terence John, Eratne, Dhamidhu and Kwan, Patrick (2024). Elevated plasma neurofilament light and glial fibrillary acidic protein in epilepsy versus nonepileptic seizures and nonepileptic disorders. Epilepsia, 65 (9), 2751-2763. doi: 10.1111/epi.18065
Courtney, Merran R., Sinclair, Benjamin, Neal, Andrew, Nicolo, John-Paul, Kwan, Patrick, Law, Meng, O'Brien, Terence J. and Vivash, Lucy (2024). Automated segmentation of epilepsy surgical resection cavities: Comparison of four methods to manual segmentation. Neuroimage, 296 120682, 120682. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2024.120682
Morgan, Andrew J., Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2024). The dynamics of competition and decision-making. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 31 (6), 2811-2822. doi: 10.3758/s13423-024-02523-2
Courtney, Merran R., Antonic-Baker, Ana, Chen, Zhibin, Sinclair, Benjamin, Nicolo, John-Paul, Neal, Andrew, Marotta, Cassandra, Bunyamin, Jacob, Law, Meng, Kwan, Patrick, O'Brien, Terence J. and Vivash, Lucy (2024). Association of Localizing 18F-FDG-PET Hypometabolism and Outcome Following Epilepsy Surgery Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Neurology, 102 (9) e209304. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000209304
Tran, Sophie, Lapidus, Adam, Neal, Andrew, Peters, Katherine B., Gately, Lucy and Ameratunga, Malaka (2024). A systematic review of the impact of brain tumours on risk of motor vehicle crashes. Journal of Neuro-Oncology, 166 (3), 395-405. doi: 10.1007/s11060-024-04586-6
Alister, Manikya, Herbert, Scott L., Sewell, David K., Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2024). The impact of cognitive resource constraints on goal prioritization. Cognitive Psychology, 148 101618. doi: 10.1016/j.cogpsych.2023.101618
Knight, Emma, Sanderson, Penelope, Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2023). Interruptions in healthcare: modeling dynamic processes and effects at a team level. Applied Ergonomics, 112 104051, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2023.104051
Cockle, Emily, Rayner, Genevieve, Malpas, Charles, Alpitsis, Rubina, Rheims, Sylvain, OBrien, Terence J. and Neal, Andrew (2023). An international survey of SEEG cortical stimulation practices. Epilepsia Open, 8 (3), 1084-1095. doi: 10.1002/epi4.12790
Knight, Emma, Neal, Andrew, Palada, Hector and Ballard, Timothy (2023). A tutorial on Bayesian modeling of change across time, individuals, and groups. Computational Brain and Behavior, 6 (4), 697-718. doi: 10.1007/s42113-023-00173-6
Shakhatreh, Lubna, Foster, Emma, Siriratnam, Pakeeran, Neal, Andrew, Carney, Patrick W., Jackson, Graeme D., O'Brien, Terence J., Kwan, Patrick, Chen, Zhibin and Ademi, Zanfina (2023). Impact of epilepsy surgery on quality of life: Systematic review and meta-analysis. Epilepsia, 64 (7), 1709-1721. doi: 10.1111/epi.17644
Boag, Russell J., Strickland, Luke, Heathcote, Andrew, Neal, Andrew, Palada, Hector and Loft, Shayne (2023). Evidence accumulation modelling in the wild: understanding safety-critical decisions. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 27 (2), 175-188. doi: 10.1016/j.tics.2022.11.009
Morgan, Andrew J., Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2023). Using cognitive modeling to examine the effects of competition on strategy and effort in races and tournaments. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 30 (3), 1158-1169. doi: 10.3758/s13423-022-02213-x
Ye, Zimeng, Bennett, Mark F., Neal, Andrew, Laing, Joshua A., Hunn, Martin K., Wittayacharoenpong, Thanomporn, Todaro, Marian, Patel, Sheila K., Bahlo, Melanie, Kwan, Patrick, O'Brien, Terence J., Scheffer, Ingrid E., Berkovic, Samuel F., Perucca, Piero and Hildebrand, Michael S. (2022). Somatic Mosaic Pathogenic Variant Gradient Detected in Trace Brain Tissue From Stereo-EEG Depth Electrodes. Neurology, 99 (23), 1036-1041. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000201469
Neal, Andrew, Gee, Phillip, Ballard, Timothy, Vancouver, Jeffrey B., Yeo, Gillian, Chandra, Vritika and Ambrose, Laura (2022). Changes in affect during the pursuit of performance goals. Emotion, 23 (5), 1472-1491. doi: 10.1037/emo0001164
Parker, Stacey L., Dawson, Niamh, van den Broeck, Anja, Sonnentag, Sabine and Neal, Andrew (2021). Employee motivation profiles, energy levels, and approaches to sustaining energy: a two-wave latent-profile analysis. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 131 103659, 103659. doi: 10.1016/j.jvb.2021.103659
Ballard, Timothy, Neal, Andrew, Farrell, Simon, Lloyd, Erin, Lim, Jonathan and Heathcote, Andrew (2021). A general architecture for modeling the dynamics of goal-directed motivation and decision-making. Psychological Review, 129 (1), 146-174. doi: 10.1037/rev0000324
Heier, Lina, Gambashidze, Nikoloz, Hammerschmidt, Judith, Riouchi, Donia, Weigl, Matthias, Neal, Andrew, Icks, Andrea, Brossart, Peter, Geiser, Franziska and Ernstmann, Nicole (2021). Safety performance of healthcare professionals: validation and use of the adapted workplace health and safety instrument. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18 (15) 7816, 7816. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18157816
Cham, Belinda S., Andrei, Daniela M., Griffin, Mark A., Grech, Michelle and Neal, Andrew (2021). Investigating the joint effects of overload and underload on chronic fatigue and wellbeing. Work and Stress, 35 (4), 344-357. doi: 10.1080/02678373.2021.1888822
Andrei, D., Grech, M. R., Griffin, M. and Neal, A. (2020). Assessing the determinants of safety culture in the maritime industry. Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering, 162 (A4), A345-A352. doi: 10.5750/ijme.v162iA4.1143
Andrei, Daniela M., Griffin, Mark A., Grech, Michelle and Neal, Andrew (2020). How demands and resources impact chronic fatigue in the maritime industry. The mediating effect of acute fatigue, sleep quality and recovery. Safety Science, 121, 362-372. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.09.019
Strickland, Luke, Elliott, David, Wilson, Michael David, Loft, Shayne, Neal, Andrew and Heathcote, Andrew (2019). Prospective Memory in the Red Zone: Cognitive Control and Capacity Sharing in a Complex, Multi-Stimulus Task. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied, 25 (4), 695-715. doi: 10.1037/xap0000224
Boag, Russell James, Strickland, Luke, Heathcote, Andrew, Neal, Andrew and Loft, Shayne (2019). Cognitive control and capacity for prospective memory in complex dynamic environments. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148 (12), 2181-2206. doi: 10.1037/xge0000599
Ballard, Timothy, Palada, Hector, Griffin, Mark and Neal, Andrew (2019). An integrated approach to testing dynamic, multilevel theory: using computational models to connect theory, model, and data. Organizational Research Methods, 24 (2) 1094428119881209, 109442811988120-284. doi: 10.1177/1094428119881209
Casey, Tristan W., Neal, Andrew and Griffin, Mark (2019). LEAD operational safety: development and validation of a tool to measure safety control strategies. Safety Science, 118, 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2019.05.005
Palada, Hector, Neal, Andrew, Strayer, David, Ballard, Timothy and Heathcote, Andrew (2019). Using response time modeling to understand the sources of dual-task interference in a dynamic environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Human Perception and Performance, 45 (10), 1331-1345. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000672
Ballard, Timothy, Sewell, David K., Cosgrove, Daniel and Neal, Andrew (2019). Information processing under reward versus under punishment. Psychological Science, 30 (5), 757-764. doi: 10.1177/0956797619835462
Palada, Hector, Neal, Andrew, Tay, Rachel and Heathcote, Andrew (2018). Understanding the causes of adapting, and failing to adapt, to time pressure in a complex multistimulus environment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 24 (3), 380-399. doi: 10.1037/xap0000176
Ballard, Timothy, Vancouver, Jeffrey B. and Neal, Andrew (2018). On the pursuit of multiple goals with different deadlines. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103 (11), 1242-1264. doi: 10.1037/apl0000304
Gee, Phillip, Neal, Andrew and Vancouver, Jeffrey B. (2018). A formal model of goal revision in approach and avoidance contexts. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 146, 51-61. doi: 10.1016/j.obhdp.2018.03.002
Ballard, Timothy, Yeo, Gillian, B. Vancouver, Jeffrey and Neal, Andrew (2017). The dynamics of avoidance goal regulation. Motivation and Emotion, 41 (6), 698-707. doi: 10.1007/s11031-017-9640-8
Fletcher, Kingsley, Neal, Andrew and Yeo, Gillian (2017). The effect of motor task precision on pupil diameter. Applied Ergonomics, 65, 309-315. doi: 10.1016/j.apergo.2017.07.010
Ballard, Timothy, Farrell, Simon and Neal, Andrew (2017). Quantifying the psychological value of goal achievement. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 25 (3), 1-9. doi: 10.3758/s13423-017-1329-1
Casey, Tristan, Griffin, Mark A., Harrison, Huw Flatau and Neal, Andrew (2017). Safety climate and culture: integrating psychological and systems perspectives. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 22 (3), 341-353. doi: 10.1037/ocp0000072
Neal, Andrew, Ballard, Timothy and Vancouver, Jeffrey B. (2017). Dynamic self-regulation and multiple-goal pursuit. Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior, 4 (1), 401-423. doi: 10.1146/annurev-orgpsych-032516-113156
Ballard, Timothy, Yeo, Gillian, Loft, Shayne, Vancouver, Jeffrey B. and Neal, Andrew (2016). An integrative formal model of motivation and decision making: the MGPM*. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (9), 1240-1265. doi: 10.1037/apl0000121
Ballard, Timothy, Yeo, Gillian, Neal, Andrew and Farrell, Simon (2016). Departures from optimality when pursuing multiple approach or avoidance goals. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101 (7), 1056-1066. doi: 10.1037/apl0000082
Palada, Hector, Neal, Andrew, Vuckovic, Anita, Martin, Russell, Samuels, Kate and Heathcote, Andrew (2016). Evidence accumulation in a complex task: making choices about concurrent multiattribute stimuli under time pressure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 22 (1), 1-23. doi: 10.1037/xap0000074
Hannah, Samuel D. and Neal, Andrew (2014). On-the-fly scheduling as a manifestation of partial-order planning and dynamic task values. Human Factors, 56 (6), 1093-1112. doi: 10.1177/0018720814525629
Yeo, Gillian B., Frederiks, Elisha R., Kiewitz, Christian and Neal, Andrew (2014). A dynamic, self-regulatory model of affect and performance: interactions between states, traits and task demands. Motivation and Emotion, 38 (3), 429-443. doi: 10.1007/s11031-013-9376-z
Vuckovic, Anita, Kwantes, Peter J., Humphreys, Michael and Neal, Andrew (2014). A sequential sampling account of response bias and speed-accuracy tradeoffs in a conflict detection task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 20 (1), 55-68. doi: 10.1037/xap000007
Vuckovic, Anita, Sanderson, Penelope, Neal, Andrew, Gaukrodger, Stephen and Wong, B. L. William (2013). Relative position vectors: an alternative approach to conflict detection in air traffic control. Human Factors, 55 (5), 946-964. doi: 10.1177/0018720813481803
Vuckovic, Anita, Kwantes, Peter J. and Neal, Andrew (2013). Adaptive Decision Making in a Dynamic Environment: A Test of a Sequential Sampling Model of Relative Judgment. Journal of Experimental Psychology-Applied, 19 (3), 266-284. doi: 10.1037/a0034384
Yeo, Gillian B. and Neal, Andrew (2013). Revisiting the functional properties of self-efficacy: a dynamic perspective. Journal of Management, 39 (6), 1385-1396. doi: 10.1177/0149206313490027
Neal, Andrew, Hannah, Sam, Sanderson, Penelope, Bolland, Scott, Mooij, Martijn and Murphy, Sean (2013). Development and validation of a multilevel model for predicting workload under routine and nonroutine conditions in an air traffic management center. Human Factors, OnlineFirst (2), 1-19. doi: 10.1177/0018720813491283
Colley, Sarah K., Lincolne, Jonathan and Neal, Andrew (2013). An examination of the relationship amongst profiles of perceived organizational values, safety climate and safety outcomes. Safety Science, 51 (1), 69-76. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2012.06.001
Colley, Sarah K. and Neal, Andrew (2012). Automated text analysis to examine qualitative differences in safety schema among upper managers, supervisors and workers. Safety Science, 50 (9), 1775-1785. doi: 10.1016/j.ssci.2012.04.006
Neal, Andrew, Yeo, Gillian, Koy, Annette and Xiao, Tania (2012). Predicting the form and direction of work role performance from the Big 5 model of personality traits. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33 (2), 175-192. doi: 10.1002/job.742
Neal, Andrew, Flach, John, Mooij, Martijn, Lehmann, Stefan, Stankovic, Stephanie and Hasenbosch, Samuel (2011). Envisaging the future air traffic management system. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 21 (1), 16-34. doi: 10.1080/10508414.2011.537557
Grech, Michelle R., Neal, Andrew, Yeo, Gillian, Humphreys, Michael and Smith, Simon (2009). An examination of the relationship between workload and fatigue within and across consecutive days of work: Is the relationship static or dynamic?. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 14 (3), 231-242. doi: 10.1037/a0014952
Loft, Shayne, Bolland, Scott, Humphreys, Michael S. and Neal, Andrew (2009). A Theory and Model of Conflict Detection in Air Traffic Control: Incorporating Environmental Constraints. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 15 (2), 106-124. doi: 10.1037/a0016118
Neal, Andrew and Kwantes, Peter J. (2009). An Evidence Accumulation Model for Conflict Detection Performance in a Simulated Air Traffic Control Task. Human Factors, 51 (2), 164-180. doi: 10.1177/0018720809335071
Fothergill, Selina, Loft, Shayne and Neal, Andrew (2009). ATC-lab(Advanced): An air traffic control simulator with realism and control. Behavior Research Methods, 41 (1), 118-127. doi: 10.3758/BRM.41.1.118
Yeo, Gillian and Neal, Andrew (2008). Subjective Cognitive Effort: A Model of States, Traits and Time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 93 (3), 617-631. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.93.3.617
Griffin, Mark A., Parker, Sharon K. and Neal, Andrew (2008). Is Behavioral Engagement a Distinct and Useful Construct?. Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 1 (1), 48-51. doi: 10.1111/j.1754-9434.2007.00007.x
Armenis, Damien C. and Neal, Andrew (2008). Recognizing Potential: A Naturalistic Investigation of Employee Promotion Decisions. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 2 (1), 63-87. doi: 10.1518/155534308X284372
Griffin, Mark A., Neal, Andrew F. and Parker, Sharon K. (2007). A new model of work role performance: positive behavior in uncertain and interdependent contexts. Academy of Management Journal, 50 (2), 327-347. doi: 10.5465/AMJ.2007.24634438
Loft, Shayne D., Neal, Andrew F. and Humphreys, Michael S. (2007). The development of a general associative learning account of skill acquisition in a relative arrival-time judgement task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 33 (4), 938-959. doi: 10.1037/0096-1523.33.4.938
Loft, S., Sanderson, P., Neal, A. and Mooij, M. (2007). Modeling and predicting mental workload in en route air traffic control: Critical review and broader implications. Human Factors, 49 (3), 376-399. doi: 10.1518/001872007X197017
Joung, W., Hesketh, B. and Neal, A. (2006). Using "war stories" to train for adaptive performance: Is it better to learn from error or success?. Applied Psychology-an International Review, 55 (2), 282-302. doi: 10.1111/j.1464-0597.2006.00244.x
Yeo, GB and Neal, A (2006). An examination of the dynamic relationship between self-efficacy and performance across levels of analysis and levels of specificity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91 (5), 1088-1101. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.5.1088
Neal, A. F., Godley, S. T., Kirkpatrick, T., Dewsnap, G., Joung, W. and Hesketh, B. (2006). An examination of learning processes during critical incident training: Implications for the development of adaptable trainees. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91 (6), 1276-1291. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.6.1276
Neal, A. and Griffin, M. A. (2006). A study of the lagged relationships among safety climate, safety motivation, safety behavior, and accidents at the individual and group levels. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91 (4), 946-953. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.91.4.946
Kwantes, P. J. and Neal, A. F. (2006). Why people underestimate y when extrapolating in linear functions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning Memory And Cognition, 32 (5), 1019-1030. doi: 10.1037/0278-7393.32.5.1019
Boag, C., Neal, A., Loft, S. and Halford, G. S. (2006). An analysis of relational complexity in an air traffic control conflict detection task. Ergonomics, 49 (14), 1508-1526. doi: 10.1080/00140130600779744
Crawford, J. and Neal, A. (2006). A review of the perceptual and cognitive issues associated with the use of head-up displays in commercial aviation. International Journal of Aviation Psychology, 16 (1), 1-19. doi: 10.1207/s15327108ijap1601_1
Neal, A., West, M. A. and Patterson, M. G. (2005). Do organizational climate and competitive strategy moderate the relationship between human resource management and productivity?. Journal of Management, 31 (4), 492-512. doi: 10.1177/0149206304272188
Yeo, Gillian B. and Neal, Andrew (2004). A multilevel analysis of effort, practice, and performance: Effects of ability, conscientiousness, and goal orientation. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89 (2), 231-247. doi: 10.1037/0021-9010.89.2.231
Loft, Shayne, Hill, Andrew, Neal, Andrew, Humphreys, Michael and Yeo, Gillian (2004). ATC-lab: An air traffic control simulator for the laboratory. Behavior Research Methods Instruments & Computers, 36 (2), 331-338. doi: 10.3758/BF03195579
Loft, Shayne, Humphreys, Michael and Neal, Andrew (2004). The influence of memory for prior instances on performance in a conflict detection task. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 10 (3), 173-187. doi: 10.1037/1076-898X.10.3.173
Crawford, S., Joung, W., Hesketh, B., Griffiths, R., Bearman, S., Kirkpatrick, T. and Neal, A. F. (2003). Emergent Issues for Training: The Benefits of Learning from Other People's Mistakes. Fire Australia (August), 26-27.
Neal, A. F. (2002). Safety climate and safety behaviour. Australian Journal of Management, 27, 67-75.
Griffin, Mark A. and Neal, Andrew (2000). Perceptions of safety at work: a framework for linking safety climate to safety performance, knowledge and motivation. Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 5 (3), 347-358. doi: 10.1037//1076-8998.5.3.347
Griffin, M. A., Neal, A. F. and Neale, M. (2000). The contribution of task performance and contextual performance to effectiveness: Investigating the role of situational constraints. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 49 (3), 517-533. doi: 10.1111/1464-0597.00029
Neal, Andrew and Griffin, Mark A. (1999). Developing a Model of Individual Performance for Human Resource Management. Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, 37 (2), 44-59. doi: 10.1177/103841119903700205
Neal, Andrew and Hesketh, Beryl (1997). Future directions for implicit learning: Toward a clarification of issues associated with knowledge representation and consciousness. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4 (1), 73-78. doi: 10.3758/BF03210777
Neal, Andrew and Hesketh, Beryl (1997). Episodic knowledge and implicit learning. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 4 (1), 24-37. doi: 10.3758/BF03210770
Neal, Andrew, Hesketh, Beryl and Andrews, And Sally (1995). Instance-based categorization: Automatic versus intentional forms of retrieval. Memory & Cognition, 23 (2), 227-242. doi: 10.3758/BF03197224
Conference Papers
Neal, Andrew, Marshall, Kayler, Sanderson, Penelope, Ballard, Timothy, Palada, Hector, Boag-Hodgson, Christine, Duffy, Donna and Perez, Tristan (2023). A methodology for evaluating the safety and effectiveness of alternative crewing arrangements for next-generation Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems. IEEE/AIAA 42nd Digital Avionics Systems Conference (DASC), Barcelona, Spain, 1-5 October 2023. New York, NY, United States: IEEE. doi: 10.1109/dasc58513.2023.10311253
Knight, Emma, Sanderson, Penelope, Neal, Andrew and Ballard, Timothy (2022). Testing a computational model of interruptions between clinicians in a hospital ward. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA, United States, 14-15 October 2022. London, United Kingdom: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1071181322661288
Fothergill, Selina and Neal, Andrew (2013). Conflict-resolution heuristics for en route air traffic management. 57th Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting - 2013, HFES 2013, San Diego, CA, 30 September - 4 October 2013. Thousand Oaks, CA United States: Sage Publications, Inc.. doi: 10.1177/1541931213571018
Kwantes, Peter J., Neal, Andrew and Kalish, Michael (2012). Item order matters in a function learning task. Meeting on Human Memory and Computational Cognitive Modelling, Winnipeg Canada, 7 June 2012. Ottawa, ON, Canada: Canadian Psychological Association. doi: 10.1037/a0026639
Vuckovic, Anita, Kwantes, Peter and Neal, Andrew (2011). A dynamic model of decision making in ATC: Adaptation of criterion across angle and time. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting (55th, HFES, 2011), Las Vegas, NV, U.S.A., 19-23 September 2011. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.A.: Sage Publications. doi: 10.1177/1071181311551068
Lehmann, Stefan, Bolland, Scott, Remington, Roger, Humphreys, Michael S. and Neal, Andrew (2010). Using A* graph traversal to model conflict resolution in air traffic control. ICCM 2010: 10th International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A., 5-8 August 2010. Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.: Drexel University.
Stankovic, Stephanie, Neal, Andrew and Hasenbosch, Samuel (2010). A separation assurance model for automation design and evaluation. 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Aerospace: HCI Aero 2010, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, 3-5 November 2010. New York: ACM Press.
Vuckovic, Anita, Neal, Andrew, Sanderson, Penelope, Wong, William and Gaukrodger, Stephen (2010). Evaluating the multi-conflict display. 5th International Conference on Human Computer Interaction in Aerospace: HCI Aero 2010, Cape Canaveral, Florida, USA, 3- 5 November 2010.
Neal, Andrew, Yeo, Gillian Bernadette, Koy, Annette and Xiao, Tania (2010). Predicting the form and direction of work role performance from the Big 5 model of personality traits. Academy of Management 2010 Annual Meeting: Dare to Care, Montreal, Canada, 6 - 10 August 2010. Briarcliff Manor, NY, United States: Academy of Management.
Lehmann, Stefan, Bolland, Scott, Remington, Roger, Humphreys, Michael S., Fothergill, Selina, Hasenbosch, Sam and Neal, Andrew (2009). Evaluation of a model of expert decision making in air traffic control. 9th Conference of the Australasian Society for Cognitive Science, Sydney, Australia, 30 September - 2 October 2010. Macquarie Centre for Cognitive Science: Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia. doi: 10.5096/ASCS200931
Fothergill, S. and Neal, A. (2008). The Effect of Workload on Conflict Decision Making Strategies in Air Traffic Control. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society, 52nd Annual Meeting, New York Marriott Marquis Times Square, 22nd - 26th September 2008. United States: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Sanderson, P., Mooij, M. and Neal, A. (2007). Investigating sources of mental workload using a high-fidelity ATC simulator. 14th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology, Dayton, U.S., 24 April, 2007. Santa Monica, U.S.: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Neal, A., Mooij, M., Bolland, S., Xiao, T., Lindsay, P. and Boag, C. (2007). Using multi-level analysis to model the sources of variability in workload within and between sectors. 14th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), Dayton, Ohio, 23-26 April, 2007. Redhook, U.S.A.: Curran Associates, Inc..
Bolland, S., Fothergill, S., Humphreys, M., Neal, A. and Lindsay, P. (2007). Modelling the human air traffic controller, Part II: Emulating controller intervention. 14th International Symposium on Aviation Psychology (ISAP), Dayton, U.S., 23 - 26 April, 2007. Dayton, U.S.: Wright State University.
Koy, A., Neal, A. and Lipp, O. V. (2006). Training selective use of a complex categorisation strategy. The 33rd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, Bardon Conference Centre, Brisbane, 20-23 April, 2006. ABINGDON: TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD. doi: 10.1080/00049530600940016
Wicks, J., Connelly, S. F., Lindsay, P. A., Neal, A. F., Wang, J. S. and Chitoni, R. (2005). Simulation of air traffic controllers' behaviour using the operator choice model. MODSIM05, Melbourne, 12-15 December, 2005. Canberra, ACT: Modelling and Simulation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Neal, A. and Yeo, G. (2005). Self-efficacy and task performance: An investigation from two levels of analysis and specificity. 5th UQ Symposium on Organisational Psychology, Emmanuel College, University of Queensland, 4 June 2005. Basingstoke, UK: Taylor and Francis.
Colley, S and Neal, A. F. (2005). A qualitative cross-level investigation of safety climate perceptions. 5th UQ Symposium on Organisational Psychology, University of Queensland, Australia, 4 June 2005. Basingstoke, U.K.: Taylor and Francis. doi: 10.1080/00049530600940007
Sturk, H., Neal, A. and Kavanagh, D. (2005). Health promotion in general practice: A framework for identifying factors that influence performance. 5th University of Queensland Symposium on Organisational Psychology, Brisbane, Queensland, 4th June, 2005. doi: 10.1080/00049530600940007
Fothergill, S. and Neal, A. F. (2005). Managing the airspace: A task analysis of Australian air traffic control. the 5th UQ Symposium on Organisational Psychology, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, 4 June 2005. Melbourne: Australian Journal of Psychology. doi: 10.1080/00049530600940007
Koy, A. P., Neal, A. F. and Lipp, O. V. (2005). Using varied training to encourage use of a complex strategy during categorisation. the 32nd Australasian Experimental Psychology Conference, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, 1-4 April 2005. Melbourne: The Australian Psychological Society.
Kwantes, P. J., Neal, A. and Loft, S. (2004). Developing a formal model of human memory in a simulated air traffic control conflict detection task. Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th annual meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, 20-24 September 2004.
Tiller, SJ, Humphreys, MS and Neal, AF (2004). Recognition memory effects in event-based prospective memory. 39th Conference of The Australian Psychological Society, Sydney, Australia, 29 September - 3 October 2004. Basingstoke, U.K.: Australian Psychological Society; Taylor and Francis.
Loft, S, Humphreys, M and Neal, A (2004). Credit assignment: The memory representation of dynamic task events. IUPsyS Invited Symposium, 8-13 August 2004, Beijing, China. behalf of the International Union of Psychological Science (IUPsyS); Psychology Press.
Loft, S. D., Humphreys, M. S. and Neal, A. F. (2003). Prospective memory in air traffic control. Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium 2000, Sydney, Australia, 20-24 November, 2000. Adershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Neal, Andrew F., Humphreys, Michael F., Leadbetter, David and Lindsay, Peter A. (2003). Development of a hazard analysis technique for human computer systems. Australian Aviation Psychology Symposium 2000, Sydney, Australia, 20-24 November 2000. Aldershot, England: Ashgate Publishing Company.
Loft, S., Neal A. and Humphreys, M. (2002). Learning and Transfer in an Applied Visual Spatial Task. HF2002: Human Factors Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 25-27 November, 2002. Ergonomics Society of Australia.
Leadbetter, D., Hussey, A. P., Lindsay, P. A., Neal, A. F. and Humphreys, M. S. (2001). Towards model based prediction of human error rates in interactive systems. AUIC 2001, Gold Coast, 29 January - 1 February 2001. Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society. doi: 10.1109/AUIC.2001.906275
Boag, C., Neal, A., Goodwin, G. and Halford, G. S. (2001). Risk management using human factors technology: Using mental workload to predict performance. 4th Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, Sydney, NSW, 21-24 June 2001. Carlton South, Victoria: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Neal, A. (2001). How do we measure the contextual elements of job performance? Differentiating core task performance and teamwork from compliance, achievement, and adaptability. 4th Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, Sydney, NSW, 21-24 June 2001. Carlton South, Victoria: The Australian Psychological Society Ltd.
Neal, A. F., Griffin, M. A. and Hart, P. D. (2000). The impact of organisational climate on safety climate and individual behaviour. Netherlands: Elsevier Science BV. doi: 10.1016/S0925-7535(00)00008-4
Boag, C., Hartel, C. E., Halford, G. S. and Neal, A. (1999). A new approach for the measurement and management of workload. Third Australian Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference, Brisbane, 26-27 June, 1999. Brisbane: Aust. Psychological Society.
Boag, C., Neale, M. C. and Neal, A. (1999). Measuring situation awareness: A comparison of alternative measurement techniques. The Tenth International Symposium of Aviation Psychology, Columbus, Ohio, 3-6 May, 1999. Columbus: The Ohio State Univ..
Neal, A., Brookes, L. R. and Wood, T. (1999). Factors affecting the use of exemplars and rules in categorisation: When do specific experiences override general rules. 26th Annual Experimental Psychology Conference, Macquarie Univ., 9-11 April, 1999. Carlton: Aust. Psychological Society.
Department Technical Report
Connelly, Simon, Lindsay, Peter, Neal, Andrew and Humphreys, Mike (2001). A Formal Model Of Cognitive Processes For An Air Traffic Control Task. SVRC Tech Report 01-31. Software Verification Research Centre, School of Information Technology, The University Of Queensland.