Emeritus Professor Justin Kenardy
Level 4, Room 408

Researcher biography
Emeritus Professor Justin Kenardy is a research and health sector leader. He is also an active disseminator of evidence-based practice in clinical and health psychology, mental health care, and health service delivery. His work is outcomes focussed and is engaged with health users, providers and industry. He is known for his interdisciplinary research work on the psychological impacts of trauma and injury. This is situated at the intersection of mental health, and physical health. His work includes the development and application of preventative, integrative and novel intervention approaches. His published work demonstrates the interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary approach to collaborating with psychology, medical specialties, allied health, nursing, law, and health economics. He has a practical, respectful and strategic leadership style. He is style is goal-driven and consultative which aims to bring others along to achieve the goal. He is also a mentor and consultant. He provides service to the profession of psychology and the broader community through his range of roles in the Australian Psychological Society, the Psychologists Board of Australia, and the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council, to the field of research through his leadership roles within Queensland Health, the NHMRC, and ISTSS, and to the Jamieson Trauma Institute and Gallipoli Medical Research Institute. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences Australia, Fellow of the Australian Psychological Society, Fellow of the Queensland Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a recipient of both the Australian Psychological Society's President's Award for Distinguished Contribution to Psychology and the Ian Campbell Prize for Outstanding Contribution to Clinical Psychology. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Australian Journal of Psychology.