Researcher biography
Dr Saira is a pharmacist with master's degree in Health Promotion. She has completed her PhD in Health Determinants and Health Systems from QUT. She has experience working in epidemiological research, health services and nursing research. She has experience working with large hospital datasets using advanced statistical analyses, process mining and data linkage.
Dr Mathew has worked on various health promotion models and practices and have researched on its operational and heuristic potential within a range of disciplines. She has written reports and community profiles using a broad range of values and principles that are integral to modern health promotion theory and practice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
Journal Articles
Clifford‐Motopi, Anton, Gardner, Karen, Brown, Renee (Nununccal), White, Antoinette (Palawa Iningai), Harald, Patrice (Gangalu), Butler, Danielle, Mathew, Saira, Mackenzie, Julie, Mills, Richard and Eaton, Martie (2025). Transformation to a patient centred medical home in an urban Aboriginal community controlled health service: A qualitative study using normalisation process theory. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 31 (1) e14255, 1-10. doi: 10.1111/jep.14255
Elliott, S., Flynn, E., Mathew, S., Hajarizadeh, B., Martinello, M., Wand, H. and Ward, J. (2024). Prevalence of hepatitis C virus exposure and infection among Indigenous and tribal populations: a global systematic review and meta-analysis. Public Health, 233, 65-73. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2024.04.035
Clifford-Motopi, Anton, Brown (Nununccal), Renee, White (Palawa Iningai), Antoinette, Harald (Gangulu), Patrice, Butler, Danielle, Mathew, Saira, Mackenzie, Julie, Eaton, Martie and Mills, Richard (2024). Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community members’ experiences of care in an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service transforming to a Patient Centred Medical Home. Australian Journal of Primary Health, 30 (3) PY23163, 1-10. doi: 10.1071/py23163
Oguoma, V.M., Mathew, S., Begum, T., Dyson, E., Ward, J., Leach, A.J. and Barzi, F. (2023). Trajectories of otitis media and association with health determinants among Indigenous children in Australia: the Longitudinal Study of Indigenous Children. Public Health, 225, 53-62. doi: 10.1016/j.puhe.2023.09.010
Keogh, Samantha, Mathew, Saira, Ullman, Amanda J., Rickard, Claire M. and Coyer, Fiona (2023). What blood conservation practices are effective at reducing blood sampling volumes and other clinical sequelae in intensive care? A systematic review. Australian Critical Care, 36 (6), 1129-1137. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2022.12.002
Mathew, Saira, Barzi, Federica, Clifford-Motopi, Anton, Brown Nunuccal, Renee, Ward, James, Mills, Richard, Turner, Lyle, White, Antoinette, Eaton, Martie and Butler, Danielle (2023). Transformation to a patient-centred medical home led and delivered by an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community, and association with engagement and quality-of-care: quantitative findings from a pilot study. BMC Health Services Research, 23 (1) 959, 1-11. doi: 10.1186/s12913-023-09955-x
Butler, Danielle, Clifford-Motopi, Anton, Mathew, Saira, Nelson, Carmel, Brown, Renee, Gardner, Karen, Turner, Lyle, Coombe, Leanne, Roe, Yvette, Gao, Yu and Ward, James (2022). Study protocol: primary healthcare transformation through patient-centred medical homes—improving access, relational care and outcomes in an urban Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population, a mixed methods prospective cohort study. BMJ Open, 12 (e061037) e061037, 1-10. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2022-061037
Munday, Judy, Higgins, Niall, Mathew, Saira, Dalgleish, Lizanne, Batterbury, Anthony S., Burgess, Luke, Campbell, Jill, Delaney, Lori J., Griffin, Bronwyn R., Hughes, James A., Ingleman, Jessica, Keogh, Samantha and Coyer, Fiona (2022). Nurse-led randomised controlled trials in the perioperative setting: a scoping review. Journal of Perioperative Nursing, 35 (1) 7, e-49-e-61. doi: 10.26550/2209-1092.1187
Keogh, Samantha, Shelverton, Caroline, Flynn, Julie, Mihala, Gabor, Mathew, Saira, Davies, Karen M., Marsh, Nicole and Rickard, Claire M. (2020). Implementation and evaluation of short peripheral intravenous catheter flushing guidelines: a stepped wedge cluster randomised trial. BMC Medicine, 18 (1) 252, 252. doi: 10.1186/s12916-020-01728-1
Indarwati, Ferika, Mathew, Saira, Munday, Judy and Keogh, Samantha (2020). Incidence of peripheral intravenous catheter failure and complications in paediatric patients: Systematic review and meta analysis. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 102 103488, 1-11. doi: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103488
Munday, Judy, Higgins, Niall, Mathew, Saira, Dalgleish, Lizanne, Batterby, Anthony S., Burgess, Luke, Campbell, Jill, Delaney, Lori J., Griffin, Bronwyn R., Hughes, James A., Ingleman, Jessica and Coyer, Samantha Keogh Fiona (2020). Nurse-led randomized controlled trials in the perioperative setting: a scoping review. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare, 13, 647-660. doi: 10.2147/JMDH.S255785
Mathew, Saira A., Varghese, Paul, Kuys, Suzanne S., Heesch, Kristiann C. and McPhail, Steven M. (2017). Gait outcomes of older adults receiving subacute hospital rehabilitation following orthopaedic trauma: a longitudinal cohort study. BMJ Open, 7 (7) e016628, e016628. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016628
Mathew, Saira A., Gane, Elise, Heesch, Kristiann C. and McPhail, Steven M. (2016). Risk factors for hospital re-presentation among older adults following fragility fractures: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Medicine, 14 (1) 136, 136. doi: 10.1186/s12916-016-0671-x
Mathew, Saira A., Heesch, Kristiann C., Gane, Elise and McPhail, Steven M. (2015). Risk factors for hospital re-presentation among older adults following fragility fractures: protocol for a systematic review. Systematic Reviews, 4 (1) 91, 1-6. doi: 10.1186/s13643-015-0084-5
Conference Paper
Keogh, Samantha, Mathew, Saira, Ullman, Amanda J., Rickard, Claire M. and Coyer, Fiona (2020). Effect of blood conservation practices on reducing blood sampling volumes and other clinical sequelae in intensive care. A systematic review. World Congress of Intensive Care, Melbourne, VIC Australia, 14-18 October 2019. Philadelphia, PA United States: Elsevier. doi: 10.1016/j.aucc.2020.04.135