The Science of nature connection for personal and planetary health
Although well-established overseas, nature based social prescribing is just starting to be discussed at policy levels in Australia. In this talk we’ll cover the researched benefits of time in nature, what kind of nature is needed, and how much is enough.
We’ll consider the fact, that if gaining the health benefits from nature was as simple as being outside then everyone with an outdoor profession would be thriving, which we know is not the case. Instead, the evidence shows that amplifying the health benefits of nature is about the quality of the moments and how meaningful they are, not just the number of the minutes. This concept is the emerging science of connectedness with nature (CWN).
But what is a meaningful moment in nature, and how can we reliably create one? Join Dr Miles Holmes, founder and director of NatureFix to explore the answers to these questions. NatureFix is social enterprise delivering nature-based interventions for NSW health, Sydney hospitals, and public green space around the country including, forestry, national parks, universities and botanic gardens. NatureFix also has research partnerships with a number of universities and 4 research trails underway including one with UQ.
Finally in this talk Miles will discuss how to build reciprocity into nature based practice, and why it is important to not make health just another resource we extract from the environment.

Miles is the co-founder of NatureFix, he is a social anthropologist, outdoor educator, and researcher. Miles has been facilitating groups outdoors for over 25 years. He has been mentored in deep nature connection, bushcraft, and meditation by leading experts in Australia and the USA. He holds a PhD in anthropology completed in partnership with Warlpiri people from Central Australia and has a deep understanding of nature connection processes, and how they can be applied in the health, education and corporate sectors. Plus, practical experience of collaborating with Indigenous Australians to inform nature-based interventions for health and stewardship outcomes.
NatureFix is a social enterprise, a business driven by planetary purpose & on a mission to deliver positive change. Our mission is to help rejuvenate communities one moment at a time by creating nature experiences that refresh mood, energy and focus; while increasing care and wellbeing for self, community and the natural environment
About Seminar Series
The School of Psychology Seminar Series involves regular formal presentations of high-quality scholarly work with broad appeal.
The wider School community is invited to attend, including academic and professional staff, special guests, visitors, as well as HDR, postgraduate and honours students.
Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays 12:00-1:30 in room s402, Social Sciences Building.