Please join us for this week's seminar which will be presented live and in-person in the School's seminar rooms and streamed via zoom.


This talk will cover basic principles for parents to manage and treat their child’s anxiety. Treatment for anxiety in both children and adults involves exposure to fear cues or “facing your fears”. One of the most extensively studied topics in clinical psychology is whether parents can enhance child anxiety treatments. For example, do parent provide additional support or do they interfere with the therapeutic processes? This talk will examine the use of the drug D-Cycloserine for augmenting parent-guided exposure therapy with phobic children. It will describe a recently published overview (review of reviews) examining the efficacy of parent involvement in child anxiety treatments. Finally, it will examine pilot data for coaching parents to conduct exposure therapy with their shy child on their own.


Dr Simon Byrne is a Lecturer at the University of Queensland. He completed a PhD/Masters of Clinical Psychology in child anxiety at Macquarie University in 2015. He has held postdoctoral positions at Yale, as well as Psychiatry Departments at Royal Prince Alfred and Westmead Hospitals in Sydney. His research has focused on: 1) the unconventional use of psychiatric drugs to treat mental disorders, and 2) treatments for anxiety. Dr Byrne has received scholarships to study at UC Berkeley, University of Sydney, Macquarie University and UNSW.

Please note the following:

* Registration is required if attending in person.
* Catering will only be provided for in-person attendees who register their attendance by the   Wednesday of the week of the talk (those attending via zoom do not need to register their attendance).
* As per the approval for the consumption of alcohol by Property and Facilities, one drink per registered in-person attendee will be available after the seminar. The drink and refreshments are funded by the School at no charge to participants. Those who would like to continue on after for further refreshments are welcome to do so at another suitable venue. 

We look forward to catching up with you on Friday.


About Seminar Series

The School of Psychology Seminar Series involves regular formal presentations of high-quality scholarly work with broad appeal.

The wider School community is invited to attend, including academic and professional staff, special guests, visitors, as well as HDR, postgraduate and honours students.

Seminars are held fortnightly on Wednesdays 12:00-1:30 in room s402, Social Sciences Building.

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McElwain Building (24A), UQ St Lucia.